Family friendly

afrimapr community meetup: R packages for Open Data from Africa

Wed Mar 23, 12:00 - Wed Mar 23, 13:00

Online - Zoom


In this month’s meetup, Anelda van der Walt will introduce a range of R packages that facilitates easy access to open data sets. We will look at data related to mapping, health, climate, society, and more, while specifically focussing on Africa. We’ll also share some resources to help you get started with your data package in R. The talk will be relevant to those not yet familiar with R as well.

afrimapr’s monthly virtual meetups aim to support the development of an active African R mapping community. It offers you a chance to learn about new resources, ask questions, showcase your work, and grow your R mapping network.

Come along and say, “Hello!” No preparation or experience with R or mapping is needed!

For more information about our speaker, please follow @aneldavdw on Twitter or visit

afrimapr website:

afrimapr @ Twitter: @afrimapr