Springbok Nude Girls Album Launch at The Daisy Jones
Sat Oct 2, 17:00 - Sun Oct 3, 23:00
The Daisy Jones, Summerhill Wines, R44, Stellenbosch
26 years after their first show, Springbok Nude Girls are back to launch their new album Partypocalypse, at one of South Africa’s premier live music venues - The Daisy Jones Bar in Stellenbosch.
With physical tickets limited to only 100 in the venue and exclusive 15 VIP experiences available, this is going to be a night to remember. For fans around the world, there is an option to live stream the show too.
“Partypocalypse is proof that these guys have no intention of slowing down” – Texx an The City
Doors open 5pm
Opening act on at 7:15pm and Springbok Nude Girls live from 8pm
• General - R250
• Streaming - R100 (The stream will be available to view until Sunday 3 October at 11pm if you cannot tune in live on Saturday night)
• Partypocalypse Package - R500 (Only 20 of these tickets available)
Includes a signed Partypocalypse CD and cover art (a print of the album artwork), which you will receive upon entry at the venue.
• VIP - R1000 (SOLD OUT)
VIP tickets include: A birds-eye view of the performance in the private gallery, a welcome Diesel & Dust craft beer, any gourmet pizza from the pizza menu, 1 x signed "Partypocalypse" CD, 1 x Springbok Nude Girls T-shirt (We will get in contact to confirm your size), a spectacular bottle of MARRAS wine and an EXCLUSIVE MEET AND GREET WITH THE BAND.
Food and drinks available at the venue.
First-come-first-served on seating so come early to secure your spot.
No mask, no entry.
If you need to request a refund please contact Quicket support on 021 424 9308 | support@quicket.co.za or email jess@omgrecording.com