Speaker Boot Camp: Financials

Fri May 10, 18:00 - Sun May 12, 13:00

Virtual event link provided after ticket purchase


How to Craft a Successful and Profitable Speaking Business

A speaking business is not a business unless it has a functional and profitable business model with defined and profitable income streams.

This Financials Speaker Bootcamp unpacks the various business fundamentals to developing a sustainable speaking business.

Topics Covered

The programme covers the following:

1. Income Streams – a look at the many different possible income streams available for speakers.

2. The Sales Cycle – unpacking the 5 elements of an effective sales cycle.

3. Speaker Business Models – the various elements of an effective, profitable, and sustainable business model related to your future speaking business.

4. Collaboration – how to use a collaborative approach to maximise your income streams.

5. Post Event Strategies – different ways to upsell your services and products each time you speak on stage.

6. Financial Blueprint – a bonus offering of a fully mapped out blueprint of what your speaking business in the future should look like.


This 3 day virtual event will run over: (all times CAT)

Friday 18:00 - 21:00

Saturday 9:00 to 13:00

Sunday 10:00 - 13:00

This gives participants ample time to learn, apply, consider, question and discuss the content as you design a business plan that works for you.


The event will be held online on Zoom.