Sponsor A Parent Reality Support Group

Wed Feb 15, 15:00 - Tue Feb 28, 02:00

Event is online


Dear Friend

Thank you so much for supporting our cause! The lives of special needs families are often misunderstood, but Parent Reality understand these realities and with your help we can make a real difference.

You can sponsor the full amount OR your own chosen amount...

In our support groups parents are brought together, and given a space to just be. We assist them emotionally and with information. We also have professional help in our network to refer to if any parent need more professional help.So many parents are going unsupported and this service changes their lives.

In February 2023 we will are facilitating 3 support groups. The groups are in JHB South, Pretoria & one online for families with recent diagnosis.

To see our event calendar visit our Facebook Page and click on events.

This is what parent's say:

“Parent Reality support group has offered me a great deal of support during hard and dark times.” – Chelesani Sibanda

“But with the support of this group, I have become a more confident Mom, my relationship with my son is so much more than it was.” - Angie

You OR your company will be sowing in good soil by supporting us financially

"I can do things you cannot, you can do things I cannot; together we can do great things" - Mother Theresa

If you contribute here, we can add you on our newsletter list.

Thanks again! You are changing people's lives.

Kindest Regards

Desirae & Johanni

083 395 9387

[email protected]

Parent Reality is a registered NPC (2022/229312/08) and PBO 930075674 (Section 18A Registered) - We issue Tax Certificates.PLEASE REQUEST IF YOU WOULD LIKE US TO ISSUE ONE TO YOU.

PS: If you would prefer brand exposure instead of an tax certificate, please contact [email protected] for the options available.

If you would like to donate anonymously please pay to this account:


Acc no: 10168613733
Branch: 2445
Lynnwood the Grove