No under 13s

Walk In Sound

Sat Jun 22, 13:00 - Sat Jun 22, 21:00

Ibis River Retreat


Enjoy an outdoor experience of tranquility in nature. Come and "Find Your Centre"!

Walk in Sound – Find your Centre

Come and enjoy an outdoor experience of tranquillity in nature, set in the heart of the Crocodile River Reserve north of Lanseria Airport.  

Walking a labyrinth under the full moon is about releasing and letting go what no longer serves you, balancing the left and right hemisphere of your brain, walking to the centre, finding YOUR centre, all while a live sound journey guides you through the process.

Once you reach the centre you will lie down comfortably and be transported into a magical healing sound journey. The walk out is all about receiving. The labyrinth has a 50m diameter and is 2km long (in and out).

A Tea station with complimentary tea, coffee, hot chocolates, infused waters will be available. A stand offering authentically prepared Cacao and Gluhwein will be for sale.

Complimentary Dinner -a selection of freshly prepared soups for each culinary taste served with rolls and breads.

We then step into another circle with a bonfire, for an energising drumming session (drums provided).

Investment is yourself if R777 includes smudging, walking the labyrinth, sound journey, refreshments, dinner, and drum circle. Limited Space 77 tickets only. Arrival time 1pm till 9pm